Using the SQL ORM

This template uses ZIO Quill (opens in a new tab), an ORM that uses a Quoted Domain Specific Language (QDSL) to generate SQL queries from your functional code.

The necessary steps are already done if you have set add_sql_orm to true, but we still will go over them, so you can understand.


Create db

You need to start a postgres database with the correct schema (the one you want) if you want to use our example you need to create a example_entity table with the following schema:

CREATE TABLE example_entity (
    id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
    value INT NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id)

Environment variables

You will also need to configure the connection to your database, you can do this by setting the following environment variables:

export POSTGRES_USER=postgres;
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres;
export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost;
export POSTGRES_PORT=5432;
export POSTGRES_NAME=postgres;

Note : The default values are the ones used in the example above. You can run the server without setting any environment variables.


First define your model:

final case class ExampleEntity(id: String, value: Int)

You can now inject quill into a service that will need it ...

//                    👇 Inject quill with the Postgres dialect and the snake case naming strategy
class ExampleService(quill: Quill.Postgres[SnakeCase]) {
  import quill._ // 👈 Import the quill context, it allows your controller to execute the run function
  def getById(id: String): ZIO[Any, SQLException, Option[ExampleEntity]] = {
    run(quote {
      query[ExampleEntity].filter(_.id == lift(id))

We now add a ZLayer to our ExampleService so the provided quill context will be available to our controller:

object ExampleService {
  val live = ZLayer.fromFunction(new ExampleService(_))

You can finally provide the configuration to our service, here we do it in main:

object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {
  override def run =
    for {
      _ <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ExampleService](
        _.insertOne(randomUUID.toString, 1)
        ExampleService.live, // 👈 Provide the service so it can be constructed with the quill context
        Quill.DataSource.fromPrefix("db.default") // 👈 Provide the configuration
        "Result: "
    } yield 0

And now you are good to go! 🚀