Using the SQL ORM
This template uses ZIO Quill (opens in a new tab), an ORM that uses a Quoted Domain Specific Language (QDSL) to generate SQL queries from your functional code.
The necessary steps are already done if you have set add_sql_orm
to true, but we still will go over them, so you can understand.
Create db
You need to start a postgres database with the correct schema (the one you want)
if you want to use our example you need to create a example_entity
table with the following schema:
CREATE TABLE example_entity (
Environment variables
You will also need to configure the connection to your database, you can do this by setting the following environment variables:
export POSTGRES_USER=postgres;
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres;
export POSTGRES_HOST=localhost;
export POSTGRES_PORT=5432;
export POSTGRES_NAME=postgres;
Note : The default values are the ones used in the example above. You can run the server without setting any environment variables.
First define your model:
final case class ExampleEntity(id: String, value: Int)
You can now inject quill into a service that will need it ...
// 👇 Inject quill with the Postgres dialect and the snake case naming strategy
class ExampleService(quill: Quill.Postgres[SnakeCase]) {
import quill._ // 👈 Import the quill context, it allows your controller to execute the run function
def getById(id: String): ZIO[Any, SQLException, Option[ExampleEntity]] = {
run(quote {
query[ExampleEntity].filter( == lift(id))
We now add a ZLayer to our ExampleService
so the provided quill context will be available to our controller:
object ExampleService {
val live = ZLayer.fromFunction(new ExampleService(_))
You can finally provide the configuration to our service, here we do it in main:
object Main extends ZIOAppDefault {
override def run =
for {
_ <- ZIO.serviceWithZIO[ExampleService](
_.insertOne(randomUUID.toString, 1)
).provide(, // 👈 Provide the service so it can be constructed with the quill context
Quill.DataSource.fromPrefix("db.default") // 👈 Provide the configuration
"Result: "
} yield 0
And now you are good to go! 🚀